There are some very good reasons you should choose abTemplates(previously BlogTemplate4U) for advertising and grow your sales or business. abTemplates is a PageRank 5 site and Alexa rank of 40K worldwide :
- Cheap and affordable advertising.
- High visibility and plenty of ad spaces.
- You’ll get more exposure – You’ll get more clicks.
- Ads go live immediately / Choose Place for your Ads.
- Discounts on advance payments or medium/long term advertising.
- Payments acceptable easily via PayPal (for Direct Advertising) and on BSA as per their payment method
- Customer Support + 3 Times to Change link / banner.
- 11,500+ Facebook Fan Base
- 380+ Twitter Followers
- 4,600+ Email and RSS Subscribers
- Google Page Rank 5 Domain Name
- PageViews/Impression: 130K+ (As on 01st September 2014)
OTHER Advertising OPTIONS:-
Email :
Most of the traffic is completely organic, and 65% of visitors find us through search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
We offer other range of promotional opportunities / advertising options. With that you can spread the word of your product (Templates, Plugins, Hosting etc) to our thousands of readers as a blog post, newsletter, social post/tweet etc.
Giveaways are great way to promote your company and product. No matter whether you are a startup or well grown company, consider this promotion to spread the word of your company products by offering some prize for our readers.
Cost: $50
Submit your product(Template, Plugin etc) to us. Our team will thoroughly test the product and write a detailed review with all the aspects of the features. The post will be disclosed as a paid review and our review will be completely unbiased.
Cost: $150
We ourself find high quality free templates and publish to vast collection of our template directory. But in case if you are a startup and want to promote your premium templates design, you can easily do so by using this promotional package. The template promoted will be shown as FEATURED TEMPLATES below the page navigation or in sidebar for 1 Week.
Cost: $30
We will sign-up for your affiliate program and promote your products(Templates, Web Host, Plugins etc) on regular basis. Just assign an exclusive discount for our readers coming from BlogTemplate4U to you.
Cost: FREE
Choose your promotional package and promote your products to our thousands of readers. Get in touch now.
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